Friday, February 20, 2009

Poor Eaters or Aromaterapia Libro Practico

Poor Eaters: Helping Children Who Refuse to Eat

Author: Joel Macht

An accessible overview of anxiety, anxiety disorders, and the effectiveness of various behavioral and drug treatments..

See also: Regreso Al Eden or One Moment Changes Everything

Aromaterapia Libro Practico

Author: Marcel Lavabr


Esta guía práctica para el uso de los aceites esenciales, elaborada por Marcel Lavabre, cubre la historia, el folklore, la ciencia y el arte de la Aromaterapia, abordando el tema de la forma más extensa posible hoy en día.  Describre más de setenta aceites esenciales, clasficados por familias botánicas, con una detallada relación de los atributos específicos ahondando en sus propiedades energéticas y espirituales. 

El autor explora los orígenes y aplicaciones de este arte curativo ancestral dentro de las civilizaciones clásicas, trazando las raíces médicas, alquímicas y espirituales de la Aromaterapia hasta los tiempos modernos.  Muestra cómo usar las esencias de las plantas apropiadas para la belleza, limpieza y curación del cuerupo, así como masajes, baños aromáticos y prácticas rituales y espirituales. 

Se explican los misterios del sistema olfativo, junto con la poderosa influencia del aroma sobre nuestro estado mental, emociones y sexualidad.  Se tratan con detalle los diversos métodos de extracción y además existe una sección especial edicada al arte de la mezcla.  Se dan también, fórmulas específicas para enfermedades comunes tales como desórdenes digestivos y circulatorios, dolores de cabeza, problemas menstruales y sexuales, y el insomnio.  Se incluye una extensa tabla de referencia que proporciona al lector información concisa de cada uno de los aceites esenciales y sus respectivos usos terapéuticos. 

MarcelLavabre nació en el sur de Francia y ha estudiado el tema de la Aromaterapia desde 1974 supervissando todos los aspectos de la producción de los aceites esenciales.  Es Vicepresidente y Cofundador de la Asociación Americana de Aromaterapia; en la actualidad dirige Aroma Vera, una compañía productora de aceites esenciales de Culver City, California.  Su libro Aromaterapia, libro práctico, será bienvenido como guía paso a paso para principantes o bien como una amplia referencia para los practicantes de la Aromaterapia.  

Born in the lavender-growing region of southern France, Marcel Lavabre has been involved in every aspect of aromatherapy for 20 years. A producer of essential oils in France, he supervised production from gathering plants and distilling to bottling and marketing. He is cofounder of the American Aromatherapy Association and now heads Aroma Vera, an essential oils company based in Culver City, California.

Yoga Journal accessible, comprehensive guide to the history, folklore, chemistry, and art of this ancient healing system...a fascinating introduction to the world of fragrances...

Massage Therapy Journal

...a light touch and a graceful, inviting style .

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Anemia in Women or Masaje rapido y facil

Anemia in Women: Self-Help and Treatment

Author: Joan Gomez

Many women are unaware that they have anemia. Its symptoms — fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, headaches, and poor concentration — are often attributed to stress rather than iron deficiency. Using case studies, Joan Gomez discusses the prevention and treatment of anemia during childhood, adolescence, and menopause.

Library Journal

While many consumer health books discuss iron-deficient anemia (the most common form of anemia and the type generally found in women of child-bearing age), few are devoted specifically to the topic. British psychiatrist Gomez has published numerous books and articles in the psychiatric literature, as well as a variety of books on consumer health topics. Originally published in England in 1998 as How To Cope with Anemia, her book is definitely easy to read, if repetitive, with a plethora of "feel good" case studies. In 14 chapters, she covers topics ranging from various populations (girls, the elderly, menopausal women, and babies) to basic information about blood, signs and symptoms of anemia, dietary do's and don'ts, the meaning of various blood tests, and types of anemia other than iron-deficient. However, neither sickle cell anemia nor thalassemia (Cooley's anemia) is mentioned. There are some lapses: the author warns readers about drinking "too much" or "too strong" black tea or coffee, but she doesn't say how much is too much or too strong; she advises that "good brands" of herbal remedies are available over the Internet, but she fails to provide any names or explain that herbal medicines may vary in strength and quality from brand to brand; and she makes some unfortunate references to "health freaks." For large public libraries and comprehensive consumer health collections. (Illustrations, appendixes, and index not seen.)-Martha E. Stone, Massachusetts General Hosp. Lib., Boston Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information.

Table of Contents:


Introducing Anemia....................1
How Does Someone Become Iron Deficient?....................3
How This Book Can Help....................4
Chapter 1: Could You Be Anemic?....................6
A Spot Check....................6
Vague Symptoms....................7
When to Test for Iron Deficiency....................9
Dangerous Diets....................12
Isobel's Story: A Nightmare with a Happy Ending....................13
Chapter 2: All about Your Blood....................14
What Blood Is Made Of....................14
Where Blood Cells Come From....................17
The Raw Materials....................18
Human Hemoglobin from Tobacco?....................23
Chapter 3: Symptoms, Signs, and Tests....................24
Symptoms and Signs of Pre-Anemia....................26
Symptoms of Anemia....................27
Signs of Anemia....................28
Emergency Symptoms....................29
Chapter 4: Iron-Deficiency Anemia....................33
Spot the Enemy: How to Detect Iron-Deficiency Anemia....................35
Anemia in Children....................40
Causes of Iron-Deficiency Anemia....................43
Chapter 5: Anemia Due to Shortage of Vitamin B-12....................52
Symptoms and Signs of B-12 Deficiency....................53
Causes of B-12 Deficiency....................57
Chapter 6: Pernicious Anemia....................63
Causes of PerniciousAnemia....................64
Characteristics of the Pernicious-Anemia Sufferer....................65
Signs and Symptoms....................66
Look-Alike Anemia....................69
Chapter 7: Other Types of Anemia....................72
Folate-Deficiency Anemia....................73
Causes of Folate Deficiency....................73
Preventing Folate Deficiency in Pregnancy....................80
The Body's Needs....................81
Foods Providing Folates....................82
Aplastic Anemia....................84
Causes of Aplastic Anemia....................84
Treatment and Outlook....................85
Chapter 8: Babies and Toddlers....................87
Bottle or Breast?....................88
Guidelines for Breast-Feeding....................90
Fussy Feeders....................95
Chapter 9: Preadolescent and Adolescent Girls....................96
Lifestyle Risk Factors in Adolescence....................97
Anemia in Teenage Girls....................100
Chapter 10: Pregnant Women....................103
Food and Diet in Pregnancy: Increased Demands....................105
Weight Gain....................110
The Annoyances of Pregnancy....................111
Chapter 11: Menopause....................114
The Mechanism of Menopause....................115
Menopause or Anemia?....................116
The Decade of Menopause....................120
Psychosocial Aspects of Menopause....................125
Chapter 12: The Senior Years....................128
What Makes Older People Especially Vulnerable?....................129
Other Food Substances Needed to Prevent Anemia....................131
Symptoms of Anemia That Are Easily Missed in the Elderly....................132
Red Alert for People over Seventy....................133
Chapter 13: How to Avoid Anemia....................136
Vitamin B-12 and Folic Acid....................139
Vitamin C....................140
Dietary Don'ts....................140
Watch Your Alcohol Intake....................141
Could You Be Losing Blood Without Realizing It?....................142
Is It in Your Genes?....................143
Medicines That May Trigger Anemia (But Usually Do Not)....................144
Warning Signs....................145
Sensible Eating....................145
Chapter 14: Herbal Medicines and Anemia....................149
Iron-Deficiency Anemia....................150
Anemia Associated with a Lack of B-12, Including Pernicious Anemia....................153
Additional Dietary Recommendations....................154

New interesting textbook: Sanar a traves de la oracion or Everything Parents Guide to Childhood Illnesses

Masaje, rapido y facil

Author: Nitya LaCroix

Fast and effective massage techniques that can be practiced at the drop of a hat--either alone or with the help of a friend--are introduced in this authoritative, step-by-step guide. Also presented is a series of daily exercises designed to relieve tension before side-effects like pain and discomfort have the chance to surface. Though most of the quick strategies can be practiced anytime and anywhere, several relatively elaborate techniques, such as scalp, face, and neck messages and extended relaxation methods, are best suited to the comfort of home.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pilates para todos or Lift Me Up Calm Me Down

Pilates para todos

Author: Denise Austin

Pilates es un metodo de ejercicios seguros y sencillos que esculpen y prolongan cada musculo del cuerpo sin provocar tension. Es la tecnica mas efectiva para obtener un abdomen plano; mas que eso: un alto numero de bailarines y deportistas lo utilizan para acondicionar sus cuerpos y mejorar su desempeno sin danar articulaciones. Denise Austin presenta un programa de acondicionamiento total en el que adapta el metodo pilates a las necesidades individuales de cada lector. Ademas, su "Programa Pilates de tres semanas" incluye ejercicios cardiovasculares, tecnicas de pensamiento positivo y un plan de alimentacion practico, por lo que es el libro de acondicionamiento fisico mas completo actualmente. Las rutinas de Pilates pueden practicarse en casa, durante las vacaciones o en cualquier lugar. No requieren aparatos pesados y costosos, ni instructor, y algunas se realizan en menos de diez minutos.

Book about: War on the Middle Class or Coloniality at Large

Lift Me Up/Calm Me Down

Author: Barbara L Heller

Relax. Energize. They are two faces of the same coin; two keys to achieving balance in life. Which gave us an idea--why not put together a truly balanced book with tips for both calming down and lifting up in one book? Lift Me Up/Calm Me Down offers two books in one, packaged in a hip, engaging graphic style that is sure to lift any reader's spirits.

This playful, inspiring book offers dozens of great ideas, reassuring quotes, and simple suggestions for pampering yourself, whether your frazzled nerves need calming or your tired soul needs uplifting. The text is complemented by fun, representational graphics and contemporary colors that make looking at this book a pleasureable experience in itself. The combination of fresh ideas, a mood-altering look, and a fun two-books-in-one format makes Lift Me Up/Calm Me Down the perfect bedside companion for anyone seeking greater balance in life. And with two great covers (on both front and back) this book makes one irresistible gift package--no wrapping paper needed!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Post Trauma Stress or Tai CHI Chuan and Meditation

Post-Trauma Stress: Reduce Long-Term Effects and Hidden Emotional Damage Caused by Violence and Disaster

Author: Frank Parkinson

For survivors of physical and emotional violence, advice from professionals on how to reduce the far-reaching effects of post-traumatic stress.

See also: Gerald Ford and the Challenges of the 1970s or Fight like a Girl

T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Meditation

Author: Da Liu

An ideal introduction to T'Ai Chi Ch'Uan, providing clear descriptions of the methods of meditation and exercise, and illuminating the underlying theory, so readers can understand as well as practice the techniques in their daily routine.

Library Journal

While t'ai chi ch'uan as physical exercise is relatively well known in this country, as meditative discipline it is less so. Here Da Liu, president of the T'ai Chi Ch'uan Society of New York, provides both an exposition of the history and philosophy of this ancient practice and a guide to the methods of meditation, breathing, and concentration useful for the practitioner. Although the book is not conceived as a manual on t'ai chi itself, it does provide rudimentary instructions. Westerners may take issue with such claims as immortality that may be obtained through Taoist disciplines, but this book offers general or informed readers an accessible introduction to a distinctive form of Eastern spiritual practice. Suitable for public libraries and collections on meditation; illustrations not seen. Judith Eannarino, George Washington Univ. Lib., Washington, D.C.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Beauty of Yoga or Framing ADHD Children

The Beauty of Yoga

Author: Jacine Harrington

Discover yoga's beauty and gentleness, and all it has to offer when you combine hatha yoga with chakra balancing. Chakras are energy centers that store your feelings and thoughts, both positive and negative. The Beauty of Yoga shows you how to connect with your chakras as you perform yoga's physical movements, helping you use that connection to release negative energy or issues.

This book is for you even if you've never tried yoga before. You do not need to be able to "do" or "be" anything but yourself, and simply have the desire to lead a healthier, stronger, and more fulfilling life. This easy-to-follow guide contains over 200 photos, along with simple breathing exercises, yoga postures, and meditations that will help you to:

Increase flexibility, strength, and coordinationDiscover how you are connected physically to your emotions and feelings Identify and release negative emotions that block happiness and healthAchieve deep relaxation and attain a state of inner calm and well-beingBalance and cleanse your chakras to renew and invigorate your energy field

You can achieve greater physical and emotional health, and gently transform your body, mind, and spirit with The Beauty of Yoga.

In the following excerpt, author Jacine Harrington explains why she wrote The Beauty of Yoga.

The Beauty of Yoga was written to demonstrate yoga's postures, and to introduce a new approach to yoga, chakra yoga. Most importantly, this book was written to reveal yoga's beauty and gentleness and how it can promote inner healing and better health. At its most basic level, yoga is a method of reducing stress in your body while helping it become strong and supple. A regular practice of yoga offers you much more!

My approach to yoga, chakra yoga, is unique in that it incorporates exploring and becoming in tune with your emotional and mental body while working on your physical body. As you release on a physical level, you also release on an emotional level, and vice versa. This book will help you recognize this happening in your body, so that you may gain more benefit from your practice of yoga.

Yoga is the union of body and mind. Through its practice, you learn how to come from, and live in, a place of calm and centeredness, discovering a balance in your everyday life.

Books about: Fast and Fabulous or Are You Hungry Dear

Framing ADHD Children

Author: Adam Rafalovich

Framing ADHD Children explores the three social worlds of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: home, classroom, and clinic. Through intensive interviews with teachers, parents, clinicians, and ADHD children, this book brings to light the human experiences surrounding this behavior disorder. The experiences of interview participants are supplemented with the most detailed historical discussion of ADHD to date, including past and present debates about the true nature of the disorder, issues concerning children taking stimulant medications, and the continuing discussion regarding modern technology's capabilities in detecting ADHD in the brain. Both the history of ADHD and the people interviewed here demonstrate that ADHD is far from a cut-and-dried phenomenon, but, rather, a complex social process that requires the negotiation of uncertainty and ambiguity at every step.

About the Author:
Adam Rafalovich is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Texas Tech University

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Corrective Hair Coloring or Barefoot Doctors Advice to Women

Corrective Hair Coloring: A Hands-on Approach

Author: Tom Sollock

Designed to take readers from basic color theory to complex chemical reactions, this comprehensive text helps stylists forecast results before initiating color services. Full coverage in this unique resource includes revolutionary color concepts and color information that is not product-specific, but can be used with any color line in the U.S. and Canada. Concepts are provided in an easy-to-understand, readable fashion for optimal retention by readers.

Book about: Adventures in Social Research or Crystal Reports 85

Barefoot Doctor's Advice to Women

Author: Georgette Delvaux

Written in an approachable, conversational tone, A Barefoot Doctor's Guide for Women focuses on women's hormonal health. Author Georgette Delvaux describes issues such as menstruation, pre-menopause, and menopause, explaining how they can begin as mere annoyances and gradually develop into major problems that affect both body and mind. She discusses accompanying problems that can be directly related to hormonal issues or that simply occur at the same time-fluid retention, inflammation, indigestion, anxiety, and insomnia-and details how osteoporosis can be treated with good nutrition and weight-bearing activity. A central theme of the book concerns the harmful effects of the popular practice of eliminating hormonal imbalances using artificial or natural hormone supplements. Delvaux encourages women to trust subtle changes in their own sensations that may indicate imbalance, showing that small imbalances are often easy to treat using reputable alternative practitioners. In addition, she explains how to prevent the development of more serious problems that may require treatments with dangerous side effects. The book discusses how contemporary Western medical approaches are complemented by alternative methods such as homeopathy and naturopathy, as well as age-old Eastern medical practices like acupuncture and Ayurveda.

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Lazy Girls Guide to a Fabulous Body or Textbook of Uncommon Cancer

The Lazy Girl's Guide to a Fabulous Body

Author: Anita Naik

Do you want to get your body into shape but have never had the motivation to do it? Is there a party coming up that you want to look great for? Or do you need to look fantastic in your bikini in just a few weeks' time? The Lazy Girl's Guide to A Fabulous Body offers short-term practical solutions and long-term advice in an easy, humorous manner which will help you achieve the body you want.

This book won't necessarily transform you into a supermodel but it will make you feel better, have more energy and attain the body that you want. Includes:

  • 6-Week Plan to getting a bikini body
  • Food Rules
  • Getting a flat stomach
  • Shaping up your flabby bits
  • Sculpting, stretching and de-stressing exercises

Too lazy to move your bottom, but worried about how it's starting to sweep the floor as you walk? Then The Lazy Girl's Guide to A Fabulous Body is the book for you.

Interesting textbook: The Cultural Work of the Late Nineteenth Century Hostess or Opportunities in Food Service Careers

Textbook of Uncommon Cancer

Author: David H Johnson

Described as ‘must-have for cancer research’ by the Hospital Doctor this highly acclaimed textbook has been extensively revised and updated to reflect recent progress and understanding in the field. It is the only comprehensive source of information available on uncommon cancers; presenting diagnosis, detailed clinical management and prognosis. The Textbook of Uncommon Cancer, Third Edition incorporated 18 new chapters, including:

• Tumors of the cervix

• Esthesioneuroblastoma

• Unusual malignancies of plasma cells

• Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans

Written by leading clinicians worldwide, this title is indispensable for all those involved in the diagnosis and treatment of hard-to-manage rare tumors.

Rajat Malhotra

This textbook focuses on uncommon cancers that are rarely covered comprehensively in general oncology texts. The first edition was published in 1988. The purpose ""is to provide a resource on the presentation, pathology, natural history, and management of unusual cancers."" The book is welcomed by busy oncologists or trainees who spend endless hours researching numerous references on rare malignancies. The goal is comprehensively met in this textbook. It is targeted to practicing oncologists and trainees in oncology. It is written at a level that is appropriate for this audience. The editors and contributors are from numerous disciplines and cancer centers from the United States and abroad. Uncommon cancers and common tumors presenting in unusual manners are covered. The chapters can be thought of as comprehensive review articles for the respective rare cancers. The references at the end of each chapter reduce the need for time consuming literature searches on obscure topics. While some of the chapters are not as comprehensive as others, this relates to the relative scarcity of information on these rare tumors. While there is some duplication of information in several chapters, this book is meant to be used as a reference and not read cover to cover. This will be an important addition to most oncologists' libraries. The unique subject matter of this book will make it an often-used reference for the study and treatment of uncommon cancer.

Doody Review Services

Reviewer: Rajat Malhotra, MD (Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine)
Description: This textbook focuses on uncommon cancers that are rarely covered comprehensively in general oncology texts. The first edition was published in 1988.
Purpose: The purpose "is to provide a resource on the presentation, pathology, natural history, and management of unusual cancers." The book is welcomed by busy oncologists or trainees who spend endless hours researching numerous references on rare malignancies. The goal is comprehensively met in this textbook.
Audience: It is targeted to practicing oncologists and trainees in oncology. It is written at a level that is appropriate for this audience. The editors and contributors are from numerous disciplines and cancer centers from the United States and abroad.
Features: Uncommon cancers and common tumors presenting in unusual manners are covered. The chapters can be thought of as comprehensive review articles for the respective rare cancers. The references at the end of each chapter reduce the need for time consuming literature searches on obscure topics. While some of the chapters are not as comprehensive as others, this relates to the relative scarcity of information on these rare tumors. While there is some duplication of information in several chapters, this book is meant to be used as a reference and not read cover to cover.
Assessment: This will be an important addition to most oncologists' libraries. The unique subject matter of this book will make it an often-used reference for the study and treatment of uncommon cancer.


New edition of a text that discusses the pathology, natural history, and management of rare tumors. The editors (doctors representing major medical centers) present 63 papers that discuss genitourinary, head and neck, gynecological, and breast cancers; hematological, cutaneous, neurological, thoracic, and pediatric malignancies; and endocrine and gastrointestinal tumors. Generously illustrated with b&w images. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (


3 Stars from Doody

Table of Contents:
1Uncommon tumors of the kidney1
2Uncommon cancers of the bladder18
3Urethral cancer27
4Uncommon cancers of the prostate38
5Rare tumors of the testis and paratesticular tissues66
6Uncommon tumors of the oral cavity and adjacent structures87
7Rare tumors of the larynx102
8Nasopharyngeal carcinoma in non-endemic populations113
10Neoplastic disorders of the adrenal glands143
11Uncommon cancers of the thyroid165
12Parathyroid carcinoma174
13Metaplastic breast carcinoma181
14Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the breast187
15Non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the breast194
16Male breast cancer201
17Phyllodes tumor of the breast209
18Carcinosarcoma of the breast218
19Tubular carcinoma230
20Thymoma and thymic carcinoma237
21Primary lymphomas of the lung257
22Primary sarcomas of the lung264
24Primary melanoma of the lung293
25Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma298
26Carcinoid tumors of the lung307
27Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma of the lung313
28Primary adenoid cystic carcinoma of the lung321
29Mucoepidermoid tumors of the lung329
30Uncommon cancers of the esophagus337
31Uncommon cancers of the stomach352
32Unusual pancreatic tumors367
33Uncommon hepatobiliary tumors383
34Cancer of the small bowel391
35Unusual tumors of the colon, rectum and anus401
36Cance of the appendix410
37Gastrointestinal stromal tumors418
38Small cell carcinomas of the gastrointestinal tract430
39Extra-ovarian primary peritoneal carcinomas437
40Borderline tumors and other rare epithelial tumors of the ovary447
41Stromal tumors of the ovary455
42Germ cell tumors of the ovary467
43Fallopian tube cancer477
44Uterine sarcomas and unusual endometrial carcinomas485
45Tumors of the cervix501
46Tumors of the vulva and vagina521
47Gestational trophoblastic diseases532
48Rare leukemias543
49Rare lymphomas555
50Uncommon presentations of plasma cell dyscrasias569
51Unusual cutaneous malignancies577
52Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans589
53Merkel cell carcinoma594
54Melantoic lesions of the meninges605
55Langerhans' cell histiocytosis of the central nervous system610
57Meningeal sarcomas626
58Atypical and malignant meningiomas638
59Primary intracranial germ cell tumors649
60Primary central nervous system lymphoma657
61Choroid plexus papilloma and carcinoma667
62Glioma and other neuroepithelial neoplasms674
63Medulloblastoma and CNS primitive neuroectodermal tumors695
65Ophthalmic cancers712
66Rare pediatric malignancies of the head and neck721
67Uncommon pediatric tumors of the thorax732
68Uncommon tumors of the gastrointestinal tract in children749
69Uncommon pediatric genitourinary tumors760
70Uncommon endocrine tumors in children and adolescents775
71Uncommon pediatric brain tumors798
72Malignant tumors of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in children810

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Six Weeks of Heaven on Earth or The Sick House Survival Guide

Six Weeks of Heaven on Earth: My Mother's Journey with Alzheimer's Disease

Author: Frances Lambert

This a candid expose' of the slowly evolving disappearance of my mother to the ravages of Alzheimer's disease. Family dynamics are sorely tested, and as you peer into the windows of her life, you may find some helpful insights. Revealed are details of a number of her antics humorous, sad, and sometimes violent. This saga closes at the end of my sixyear watch with those dramatic six weeks of heaven on earth. During this heavenly visitation, the presence of God's love heals the wounds sustained in the Alzheimer's battlefield, making this journey with my mother well worth the trip.

Books about: Presupuesto federal:Política, Política, Proceso

The Sick House Survival Guide: Simple Steps to Healthier Homes

Author: Angela Hobbs

Curtains that make you sick? Electricity as a pollutant?

More people suffer from indoor pollution-from chemical sensitivities-than diabetes nowadays, often with little help from the medical profession stuck with outdated research from the 1980s. Sufferers are frequently diagnosed with "anxiety" or allergies, and returned to the very environments that have made them sick in the first place.

The Sick House Survival Guide tells the story of how indoor pollution from a newly renovated house brought the author's regular, healthy life to a standstill-and how she successfully overcame it. In the first part, Angela Hobbs relates her downward health spiral, followed by that of her children. In desperation, she invented her own systematic search for answers, and eventually triumphed over this invisible monster. Part Two ties together existing research into the interaction of chemicals, hormones, and electromagnetic fields (EMFs), and outlines a series of interactive steps that readers can follow to identify problematic environments and transform their sick house into a healthy home. These include:

-Keeping track of environments that make you sick
Discovering sanctuary spots where you can sleep
Isolating foods that burden your system
Dealing with your tap water
Purifying your air
Lifting the burden of synthetic fabrics
Reducing your exposure to EMFs.

Part Three then discusses some of the measures being taken by other countries to mitigate the dangers of chemicals and electromagnetic fields.

Of vital interest to parents of asthmatic children, siblings of chronically fatigued adults, or spouses of chemically sensitive seniors, The SickHouse Survival Guide will also be essential reading for victims themselves.

Angela Hobbs is a teacher and mother of two. A recovered victim of indoor pollution now passionate about the safety of the home environment, she lives in Calgary, Alberta.

Table of Contents:
1The Start of Something New7
2Coping with the Symptoms23
3Coming to Terms with Electricity39
4In Search of a Compatible Environment51
5The Simple Steps61
Step 1Recognizing the Burdens our Bodies Bear64
Step 2Finding a Good Place to Sleep75
Step 3Reducing the Chemical Burden - Water82
Step 4Reducing the Chemical Burden - Food86
Step 5Reducing the Chemical Burden - Cosmetics and Fabrics94
Step 6Reducing the Chemical Burden - Air100
Step 7Reducing the Electromagnetic Fields Around Us106
Step 8Restoring Balance117
6Case Studies: Can You Spot the Danger?125
7EMFs in Our Communities - What We Can About Them139
Epilogue: A New Beginning153
Recommended Reading155
About the Author171

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Prostate or Food Allergy

Prostate: Everything You Need to Know

Author: Yosh Taguchi

Now that prostate health is openly discussed, more and more men and their families are looking for help in understanding this small but potentially problematic male organ. In this accessible, informative guide, eminent urologist Dr. Yosh Taguchi tackles the most common prostate problems -- benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), prostatitis and cancer. Readers will learn about:

  • the anatomy and function of the prostate
  • the importance of regular check-ups
  • surgical options, including the two-stage prostatectomy
  • medication options, including drug names and suggested dosages
  • disorders that mimic prostate disease
  • thermal therapy
  • preventative measures
  • pain control
  • surgery issues and preparation
  • managing the disease
  • incontinence, impotence and erectile dysfunction
  • new developments in treatment.

Complete with diagrams, charts and case studies, Prostate offers clear and comprehensive information on what is known, what is still not clear and what remains conjectural about this most sensitive of male health concerns. Written by an expert who obviously cares for his patients and who believes that self-education in matters of health is one of the cornerstones of preventative medicine, Prostate is an important and timely book.

Mark Terry

Small but thorough ... this book is informative and useful for anybody concerned about prostate health.

Science Books and Films - Guy A. Costanzo

A wealth of medical information here, and the presentation is such that the layperson should have no difficulty understanding it.

Publishers Weekly

Dr. Yosh Taguchi (Private Parts: An Owner's Guide to the Male Anatomy), a leading urologist, has written a book for men newly diagnosed with prostate disease (enlargement, inflammation or cancer) who are seeking the best treatment (medication, surgery) and recuperative options (when Viagra fails to help, etc.), as well as for their concerned partners. This book is forthright, positive and, thus, aptly named The Prostate: Everything You Need to Know. Although doctors today do know a lot about this enigmatic gland, Taguchi does not hesitate to explain when the territory remains unclear. Readers will appreciate his frankness as much as his warmth. ( June) Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information.

Doody Review Services

Reviewer: R. Bruce Bracken, MD (Univ. of Cincinnati College of Medicine)
Description: This is a well-written book for men that describes prostate diseases, their evaluation, and treatment. The book is thorough, reader friendly, and is a good addition to the field.
Purpose: The purpose is to familiarize men with disorders of the prostate. The book is necessary because almost all men have prostate problems, and a reader friendly book for the layman is needed. The book meets the author's objectives.
Audience: The book is written for the patient with prostate problems. The author is a credible authority in the subject matter.
Features: The author discusses prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and prostatitis. The book covers symptoms and signs, diagnostic evaluations, and treatment in a manner that laymen can understand. Other books for the layman are more subject-specific, while this book covers all the common prostate disorders.
Assessment: This book offers the layman good insight into the current state of prostate disorders, their evaluation, and their management. Its main advantage over other books is that it covers all the prostate disorders, not just prostate cancer.


Taguchi, a urologist (Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal), explains the most common prostate problems in plain language, with a bit of humor, for general readers. He reviews the anatomy and function of the prostate and describes surgical and medication options for benign prostate hyperplasia, prostatis, and cancer. Surgical procedures are described in detail in a frank yet reassuring style. Discussion touches on thermal and cryo therapy, preventive measures, pain control, and implants. The book includes a glossary and a list of support groups in the US and Canada. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (


3 Stars from Doody

Table of Contents:

Author's Note

1. The nature of the beast

2. Examining the prostate

3. Enlarged prostate: The signs and symptoms

4. Enlarged prostate: Medical treatment

5. Enlarged prostate: Surgical treatment

6. Enlarged prostate: The mimicking disorders

7. Enlarged prostate: Don't ignore your symptoms

8. Prostatitis: Bacterial

9. Prostatitis: Nonbacterial

10. Prostatitis: The last word

11. Prostate cancer: Who will get and why?

12. Prostate cancer: The diagnosis

13. Prostate cancer: The biopsy, and when it is positive

14. Prostate cancer: Managing the disease

15. Prostate cancer: Preparing for surgery

16. Prostate cancer: The radical prostatectomy

17. Prostate cancer: Incontinence and impotence

18. Erectile dysfunction: When Viagra doesn't work

19. Prostate cancer: The aftereffects


Support Groups


Interesting textbook: The Politics of Collective Violence or Asia America and the Transformation of Geopolitics

Food Allergy

Author: Richard Trevino

Drawing on the latest food allergy research, this important book is the first to cover the diagnosis and treatment of food allergies from the perspective of the otolaryngologist.

The book begins with a detailed discussion of the immunology of food allergies, and then goes on to consider the manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of both IgE- and non- IgE-mediated food sensitivities. Throughout, the contributors provide useful guidelines, and dozens of tips, for managing food allergies and improving patient care.


The third volume of the American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy series on the diagnosis and treatment of allergic conditions. The six studies focus on immunologically mediated food sensitivities, including those with both immediate and more delayed clinical manifestations. Addressed to clinicians. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Vegetarian America or Diagnosis Heart Disease

Vegetarian America: A History

Author: Karen Iacobbo

The first complete history of vegetarianism in the United States, this story reveals the people, the organizations, and the events from the late 1700s to the present. Despite generally held notions that today's vegetarianism sprang from 1960s counterculture and that prior to that its only advocates were fanatics and fringe groups, the Iacobbos explore strong movements in other historical eras, whose proponents included esteemed physicians, socialites, and other notable members of the establishment. Until now, no one has chronicled the contributions that advocates of vegetarianism have made to the American way of life in areas such as general eating habits, preventative medicine, feminism, environmental awareness, and elsewhere.

Library Journal

Many people think that vegetarianism in the United States is a phenomenon of the 1960s back-to-the-earth movement, but various individuals and groups throughout our history have practiced vegetarianism for health, spiritual (mainly Christian), environmental, and economic reasons. The journalist-authors chronicle movements of voluntary vegetarianism from the early 18th century through today. Drawing on materials from an impressive array of research libraries and historical societies, they place the story of vegetarianism in relevant historical context, thoroughly treating Sylvester Graham, William Metcalfe, and William Alcott-considered the fathers of American vegetarianism-as well as the Bible Christian Church, Seventh Day Adventists, and the American Vegetarian Society. With little else available on the subject, this extremely well-researched book is a worthwhile purchase for both large public and academic libraries.-Marija Sanderling, Lane Memorial Lib., Hampton, NH Copyright 2004 Reed Business Information.

New interesting textbook: Hormone Replacement Therapy for Menopausal Women or Cancer Monologue Project

Diagnosis Heart Disease: Answers to Your Questions About Recovery and Lasting Health

Author: John W Farquhar

Let this book be your guide from diagnosis toward a truly heart-healthy lifestyle. If you or someone in your family has been newly diagnosed with heart disease, you will want this book by your side. In a question-and-answer format, Dr. John Farquhar and Dr. Gene Spiller explain how your body works and what has gone wrong; describe the tests, treatments, and medications you may be prescribed; and show step by step your road to recovery and how to live the longest, fullest life possible. A self-scoring test will help you assess your risk level, and you will get practical advice on how to change your habits -- smoking, stress, diet, and exercise from ones that put you at risk to ones that will keep you healthy.

For most people with heart disease, the chances not only of survival but of a bright future that allows enjoyment of life at its fullest are greater today than ever before. And the steps you take to prevent heart disease or recover from it will lead you to a healthy lifestyle that will also reduce your risk for adult diabetes and many types of cancer. Get the facts, seize your opportunity -- stay healthy and feel great!

Walter Willett

Anyone with heart disease will find this invaluable...describes a lifestyle that can be enjoyable and add years of life.

Dean Edell

A must read for anyone concerned about themselves or a loved one...a critical resource that can save your life.

Kenneth H. Cooper

[A] book answering a multitude of technical questions in a simple and understandable way....achieves those objectives in a remarkable way.

C. Everett Koop

For anyone with a heart, this book is good before, during, and after heart disease....An easy and profitable read.

Library Journal

Using a question-and-answer format, this slim volume seeks to explain the causes and courses of heart disease, describe tests and treatments, and offer advice on lifestyle changes to prevent and reverse heart disease. It does so accurately, concisely, and in very simple language. However, with so many other excellent titles already available on this topic, does this one add anything new or provide the same information in a better format? In either case, the answer for this reviewer is "no." The illustrations are sparse, and the explanations of drugs and exercise plans, among other topics, are all very cursory. The Q&A format is at times odd. Most readers would be better served by existing titles, such as Peter O. Kwiterovich's The Johns Hopkins Complete Guide to Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease (Prima Pub., 1993), Bernard J. Gersh's The Mayo Clinic Heart Book (LJ 4/1/00), or any of the American Heart Association's titles (Guide to Heart Attack Treatment, Recovery, and Prevention, Times Bks., 1998; Your Heart: An Owner's Manual, Pocket, 1996; Living Well, Staying Well: The Ultimate Guide to Help Prevent Heart Disease and Cancer, Times Bks., 1999). Not recommended.--Eris Weaver, MLIS, Redwood Health Lib., Petaluma, CA Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information.

What People Are Saying

Kenneth H. Cooper
A book answering a multitude of technical questions in a simple and understandable way....achieves those objectives in a remarkable way. (
—Kenneth H. Cooper, M.D. M.P.H., Cooper Clinic

Walter Willett
Anyone with heart disease will find this invaluable...describes a lifestyle that can be enjoyable and add years of life.
—Walter Willett, M.D., Harvard School of Public Health

Everett Koop
For anyone with a heart, this book is good before, during, and after heart disease....An easy and a profitable read.
—C. Everett Koop, M.D., Sc.D.

Dean Edell
A must read for anyone concerned about themselves or a loved one with heart disease.
—Dean Edell, M.D., host of The Dr. Dean Edell Show

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Women in the Martial Arts or Yin Yang in Tai Chi Chuan and Daily Life

Women in the Martial Arts

Author: Carol A Wiley

Many women learn of martial arts through a male companion's interest in kung-fu movies or a six-week self-defense course. Some venture beyond. This book contains the stories, in essay and poetry form, of a group of women who have trained for at least seven years in this demanding activity. Many speak of martial arts as an equalizer of power, with skill being more important than raw strength. Other benefits include endurance, confidence, and determination. There are a variety of viewpoints among this select group, which ranges from a physically disabled student to a Native American practitioner. This collection fills an important niche in a male-dominated sport.

Library Journal

Many women learn of martial arts through a male companion's interest in kung-fu movies or a six-week self-defense course. Some venture beyond. This book contains the stories, in essay and poetry form, of a group of women who have trained for at least seven years in this demanding activity. Many speak of martial arts as an equalizer of power, with skill being more important than raw strength. Other benefits include endurance, confidence, and determination. There are a variety of viewpoints among this select group, which ranges from a physically disabled student to a Native American practitioner. While some essays are better than others and a majority of women are aikido trained (a ``softer'' style), this collection fills an important niche in a male-dominated sport. For sports and women's studies collections.-- J. Sara Paulk, Concord P.L., N.H.

Table of Contents:
Coming Home: Tai Chi Ch'uan as a Path of Healing5
Irimi: Going for Life14
Walking the Way of the Warrior18
Golden Phoenix Rises23
My Journey with Aikido28
A Mirror for Me to See My Life32
Open to Change: Steps along the Way41
To Stretch and Fly46
Surviving a Murder50
Oppression and a Warrior's Way54
From Fatso to Breakfalls: Learning to Accept My Body57
Martial Arts Out of a Wheelchair: A Possibility or Not?61
Martial Arts and Women's Self-Defense: Two Perspectives66
Transforming the Victim Role73
Cultivating the Senses for Optimal Self Defense77
One Stage on the Road: An Interview with Lidia Alexandra Wolanskyj82
Transference, Countertransference, and the Guru-Sensei: A Feminist Therapist's View of the Sensei-Student Relationship96
Women Training Women102
Aikido and Illusion110
What is a Black Belt?116
FA JIN: Traditional Chinese Martial Arts and Women's Search for Empowerment119
Clearing the Way for Freedom126
Women, Power, and Empowerment134
About the Contributors139
Further Reading143

Book about: The Wild Olive or Well Filled Cupboard

Yin-Yang in Tai-Chi Chuan and Daily Life

Author: Simmone Kuo

In Yin-Yang in Tai-Chi Chuan and Daily Life, Simmone Kuo provides the philosophical context for the practice of this popular martial art, showing how Taoist, Buddhist, and Confucian traditions have shaped the practice of Tai-Chi Chuan. Included here are student accounts of the strong impressions Mme. Kuo made on her students. Drawing on yearly research trips to China and her lecture in Advanced Tai-Chi Chuan at San Francisco State University, Mme. Kuo explores the application of Yin-Yang theory to:

-Health and Nutrition
-Daily Practice
-Traditional Chinese Philosophy and the I Ching
-The Teacher-Student Relationship
-Self-Awareness and Self-Defense

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Exercise Ball for Beginners or Low Protein Diet a Medical Dictionary Bibliography and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

Exercise Ball for Beginners

Author: Chrissie Gallagher Mundy

Exercise balls have grown in popularity at the gym since they were first introduced in the 1960s, and now Exercise Ball for Beginners brings this fun, versatile workout home. The newest addition to the HarperResource popular stand-up series features exercises designed to target specific muscle groups. The exercise ball workout builds strength and flexibility, relieves tension, and improves balance and coordination. Important safety information is also included. Exercise Ball for Beginners features step-by-step instructional photos and a unique hands-free design.

Read also Finanzvolkswirtschaft

Low-Protein Diet - a Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

Author: Icon Health Publications

This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to low-protein diet. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to low-protein diet.If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Pain Behind the Mask or Pastoral Care of Depression

Pain Behind the Mask: Overcoming Masculine Depression

Author: John Lynch

This new book uncovers the root causes that can destroy important relationships. "For many men," explain the authors, "sadness and despair find a distorted expression in immature, aloof, selfish, or cruel behaviors that disguise men's emotional pain to others and even to themselves ... Masculine depression often goes unrecognized and untreated." "In addition," they add, "this process leads to destructive behavior in important relationships. Life is hard, and it is inevitable that a person (who has masculine depression) ... will carry their emotional pain to their wives, their children, and their friends."


Focusing on heterosexual men, two scholars and practitioners in the field of male psychology and violence prevention articulate the causes and consequences of masculine depression, set forth a framework for understanding men's behavior, and offer therapeutic and practical solutions to lead clients towards positive and self-healing attitudes. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Interesting textbook: Palestine or Global Environmental Governance

Pastoral Care of Depression: Helping Clients Heal Their Relationship with God

Author: Glendon L Moriarty

This book provides the essential tools needed to transform negative God images in depressed clients!

Pastoral Care of Depression: Helping Clients Heal Their Relationship with God is designed to help clergy and mental health professionals understand how depression negatively affects the way people emotionally experience God and how, through therapy, this hurtful God image can be changed into a much more positive one focused on healing.

In the past, the God image (as well as the essential differentiation between God image and God concept) has been explained in dull, analytic terms that are difficult to understand. This book's jargon-free language and engaging presentation make it an effective learning tool for students and professionals alike. Inside, you'll find numerous psychological tests, complete with sample test forms, that identify the God image. These are clearly explained and include all the information needed to take, administer, and interpret them.

Pastoral Care of Depression teaches you to use psychodynamic and cognitive interventions to change a client's God image, including foundational knowledge and clearly presented techniques to implement in the therapeutic relationship. This comprehensive treatment manual arms you with the most comprehensive array of cognitive interventions published to date, with tens of easy-to-follow techniques designed to tap directly into an individual's subjective experience of God. Two appendixes give you a sample God Image Automatic Thought Record and Treatment Plan form.

Part I: Depression and the God Image examines:

the nature and development of depression

symptoms of depression specific to religious people

defining a client's image of God, how it developed, and what it reveals

the relationship between self, depression, and God image, and how God images relate to Christian thought

Part II: Changing the God Image addresses:

the importance of self-evaluation for therapists and counselorsand how to do it

the nature of the therapeutic relationship

counseling skills that strengthen the therapeutic relationship

how to conduct an God Image Assessment Interview and how to work with what that interview reveals

transference, countertransference, cyclical maladaptive patterns, and internalization in psychodynamic psychotherapy

appropriate, effective psychodynamic interventions

the essentials of cognitive therapy and how it can be utilized to positively affect the God image

treatment planning and case conceptualization

important ethical issues for consideration

With well-designed test and exercise forms and clear instructions on their use and interpretation, Pastoral Care of Depression provides the essential tools needed to work effectively with this important client group. Make it a part of your professional/teaching collection today!

What People Are Saying

Brian W. Grant Ph.D
Brian W. Grant, PhD, Lois and Dale Bright Professor of Christian Ministries, Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis
EMINENTLY PRACTICAL. . . . Filled with illustrations and details of intervention techniques. The book has an excellent section on self-administered assessment instruments for God-image the most comprehensive currently in the literature. It draws on resources across a wide range of psychological theories, is easily applicable to a range of pathologies, and will be useable for therapists with theologies anywhere in the Christian spectrum. The book blends a highly scholarly breadth of knowledge of the literature, excellent documentation, and a readable writing style, making it ACCESSIBLE TO PRACTITIONERS OF ANY EXPERIENCE LEVEL, ranging from the psychoanalytically oriented through Rogerians and Gestaltists to cognitive psychologists.

Julie Exline Ph.D
Julie Exline, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Case Western Reserve University
INSIGHTFUL. . . . AN OUTSTANDING RESOURCE for anyone who wants to understand how psychological factors influence a person's image of God. First, Dr. Moriarty skillfully combines ideas from psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral traditions to help readers understand how depressive thinking develops. He then integrates the depression material with research and theory on God images, showing with remarkable clarity how childhood hurts and depressive thought patterns can do great damage to people's perceptions of God. In addition to a sound theoretical base, the book provides practical assessment tools and detailed suggestions for correcting unhealthy God images. I found this book to be tremendously helpful in both conceptual and practical terms, and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT to scholars and clinicians alike.

Louis Hoffman Ph.D
Louis Hoffman, PhD, Dean of Faculty, Colorado School of Professional Psychology
IMPORTANT. . . . This is an impressive and comprehensive book which does not oversimplify difficult concepts while remaining accessible. It is ESSENTIAL READING for all therapists and counselors working with religious individuals.

Brian W. Grant
"EMINENTLY PRACTICAL. . . . Filled with illustrations and details of intervention techniques. The book has an excellent section on self-administered assessment instruments for God-image-the most comprehensive currently in the literature. It draws on resources across a wide range of psychological theories, is easily applicable to a range of pathologies, and will be useable for therapists with theologies anywhere in the Christian spectrum. The book blends a highly scholarly breadth of knowledge of the literature, excellent documentation, and a readable writing style, making it ACCESSIBLE TO PRACTITIONERS OF ANY EXPERIENCE LEVEL, ranging from the psychoanalytically oriented through Rogerians and Gestaltists to cognitive psychologists."--(Brian W. Grant, PhD, Lois and Dale Bright Professor of Christian Ministries, Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis)

Louis Hoffman
"IMPORTANT. . . . This is an impressive and comprehensive book which does not oversimplify difficult concepts while remaining accessible. It is ESSENTIAL READING for all therapists and counselors working with religious individuals."--(Louis Hoffman, PhD, Dean of Faculty, Colorado School of Professional Psychology)

Julie Exline
"INSIGHTFUL. . . . AN OUTSTANDING RESOURCE for anyone who wants to understand how psychological factors influence a person's image of God. First, Dr. Moriarty skillfully combines ideas from psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral traditions to help readers understand how depressive thinking develops. He then integrates the depression material with research and theory on God images, showing with remarkable clarity how childhood hurts and depressive thought patterns can do great damage to people's perceptions of God. In addition to a sound theoretical base, the book provides practical assessment tools and detailed suggestions for correcting unhealthy God images. I found this book to be tremendously helpful in both conceptual and practical terms, and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT to scholars and clinicians alike."--(Julie Exline, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Case Western Reserve University)

Table of Contents:

Thursday, February 5, 2009

No Mans Land or Erase Your Waist

No Man's Land: A Caregiver's Survival Guide: Living with Alzheimer's and Related Dementias

Author: Susan G Miller

Every now and then, a book comes along that tugs at your heart and touches your soul. No Man's land: A Caregiver's Survival Guide is that book. With her hallmark candor, Susan moves to the next stage of the journey, exploring the issues of love, responsibility, duty, and loss. She gives voice to what many caregivers think but are reluctant to admit, sometimes even to themselves. She lets readers know what it's like for caregivers to struggle with a disease that strikes terror in people's hearts, and offers invaluable tips for surviving. Her reflections on her bad days, humorous moments, less than perfect interactions with the healthcare profession, and relationships with family and friends will resonate with you. Reading this book can lessen the isolation and loneliness of caregiving, while bringing honest insight into the life a caregiver. Susan continues to be an advocate for those who suffer with Alzheimer's and for their caregivers. She lectures at various Alzheimer's associations, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and adult protective services nationwide. Susan and her husband can be seen periodically on CBS "Eye on America."

Book review: Health Program Planning or Napoleon as a General

Erase Your Waist

Author: Cyndi Targosz

Using this fitness expert’s advice, your abs will quickly develop a firm, uplifted appearance that will en-hance your posture, strength and appearance, without ever going to the gym!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Dependent Personality or Miracle Touch

The Dependent Personality

Author: Robert F Bornstein

Over the past few decades, developmental, social, and clinical research has generated a wealth of information regarding the etiology and dynamics of dependent personality traits in children, adolescents, and adults. Integrating the work from these disciplines for the first time, this volume fills a significant gap in the literature by presenting a comprehensive and detailed review of what is known about the antecedents, correlates, and consequences of dependency. The volume opens with a review of theoretical frameworks that have influenced previous research on dependency. An overview and critique of commonly used assessment techniques contrasts the strengths and weaknesses of objective, projective, behavioral, and interview-based dependency scales. Chapters covering etiology deal with the development of dependency at various stages of the life cycle and allow for comparison of the predictive validities of two important theoretical frameworks: the psychoanalytic and social learning models. Social and interpersonal consequences are considered, with attention to both the person's behavior and its effect on others. The chapter on psychopathological dependency thoroughly covers the enormous amount of research on this subject. Dependent personality disorder is next addressed, as well as the relationship of dependency to risk for physical disorders, followed by a discussion of dependent individuals as psychiatric and medical patients. In the concluding chapter, Bornstein presents a new theoretical model, expanding on the traditional view of dependency as a deficit to encompass the positive, adaptive qualities of dependent individuals as well. This book will be of value to both academic and clinical readers. Incisive reviews of personality development as well as social cognition and behavior will appeal to social, personality, and developmental psychologists, while clinical researchers will be particularly interested in Bornstein's discussion of the etiology and psycho


A detailed review of what is known about the antecedents, correlates, and consequences of dependency, encompassing personality development, social cognition and behavior, and the etiology and psychodynamics of psychopathology. Mental health practitioners in various capacities will be interested in treatment of issues such as the supervisory relationship, psychological processes associated with hospitalization and discharge, and psychotherapy initiation and termination. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Interesting book: The Time Divide or Strategic Marketing

Miracle Touch: A Complete Guide to Hands-on Therapies That Have the Amazing Ability to Heal

Author: Debra Fulghum Bruc

Discover the Healing Power of Human Touch
Curious about the benefits of touch therapy? Interest in hands-on therapies has skyrocketed, and even conventional physicians now embrace these treatments as beneficial not only in reducing stress, but also in speeding post-surgery recovery, managing addictions, and ending chronic pain from ?bromyalgia, migraines, arthritis, and other serious afflictions.
While the demand for touch therapy has increased, so have the choices.
Miracle Touch presents all the latest information on the different kinds of
treatments—acupressure and shiatsu to reflexology and Reiki. You’ll also find:
• Firsthand reports from people who have used touch therapies with miraculous results to manage back or neck pain, resolve carpal tunnel symptoms, and end the pain of TMJ
• Inspiring evidence of the tremendous impact of human touch on our physical and spiritual well-being to aid in mood management, ease depression, and give a more positive outlook on life
• Ways to discern help from hype and to determine which touch therapy is
most appropriate for you
• Stress-reduction tips, including ten mind-body exercises you can do to “relax on demand”—starting today.

Author Biography: DEBRA FULGHUM BRUCE is a medical writer and author of sixty books on health and wellness, including The Sinus Cure and The Fibromyalgia Handbook.

Library Journal

In the past few years, interest in Therapeutic Touch (TT) has skyrocketed. In 1998, state the authors, some 58,000 therapists performed more than 60 million therapeutic massages, and insurance companies, healthcare organizations, and major educational institutions (including Harvard, Duke, and the University of Miami) now recognize the health benefits of massage and other touch therapies. Medical writer Bruce (The Sinus Cure) and Krieger, who, along with Dora Kunz, developed TT in the early 1970s and who has written extensively on the subject, cover the various types of TT, including acupuncture and acupressure, massage, reflexology, and Reiki. For each therapy, they include how it originated, how it works, what it can treat, how therapists are trained and/or certified, and research or case studies. Other alternative therapies, such as aromatherapy, guided imagery, and biofeedback, also receive attention. A final chapter discusses such questions as determining insurance coverage, choosing a massage therapist, and talking with your physician about massage therapies. This practical, well-written guide is recommended for most alternative health and consumer health collections.-Jodith Janes, Cleveland Clinic Fdn. Lib. Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Colon and Rectal Cancer or Sobrepeso y obesidad infantil

Colon and Rectal Cancer: A Patient's Guide to Treatment

Author: Paul Ruggieri

Have You Been Diagnosed with Colon Cancer?

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with colon cancer, you're probably already experiencing the whirlwind of emotions that come with a cancer diagnosis. You're worried and frightened. You're probably full of questions. You wonder how far the disease has advanced. What tests will you go through? What form of treatment will you undergo?

Surgeon Paul Ruggieri, M.D., understands such pressing questions, and offers answers that help bring peace of mind. In Colon & Rectal Cancer, Dr. Ruggieri covers such topics as:

  • symptoms and risk factors for colon cancer
  • medical tests for getting a diagnosis
  • the importance of staging the cancer
  • benefits and risks of various treatments
  • surgery, radiation, chemotherapy…how they work
  • how colon cancer can be prevented

A Valuable Resource for Patients and Families!

Library Journal

Aimed at the patient and caregiver, this guide is authored by a board-certified general surgeon and thyroid specialist. Ruggieri's The Surgery Handbook (Addicus, 1999) was a good overview of what to expect during an operation. Here, he reduces the essentials of colon and rectal cancer care to the most basic levels but with less success. Although the information is clearly presented and covers the standard areas of colon and rectal cancer care, it lacks the needed detail to benefit the reader. For example, the discussion about colostomy and its impact on sexual activity (an important subject to patients) glosses over the female point of view by simply observing, "Women normally have no loss of sexual function due to colostomy." Even though each chapter ends with the helpful "Questions To Ask the Doctor," one very important query is omitted: What is the standard/investigational treatment by stage? The glossary is also disappointing, offering explanations too simple to clarify important and difficult concepts. The American Cancer Society's Colorectal Cancer (1999) is the better choice. Not recommended. Gail Hendler, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Ctr., New York Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information.

New interesting book: In 60 Ways or Ice Cream

Sobrepeso y obesidad infantil: Dietetica y recetas sanas, deliciosas y faciles de preparar

Author: Jordina Casademunt

?Por que esta gordo mi hijo? ?Deberia ponerlo a dieta? ?O simplemente es mas fuerte o robusto que la media? ?Que diferencia hay entre obesidad y sobrepeso? Ademas de responder a estas y otras muchas preguntas, este libro analiza en clave practica las causas de la obesidad infantil y sus soluciones. Una alimentacion inadecuada y la falta de ejercicio, sumados a factores puramente geneticos, hacen que un nino pueda engordar de manera incontrolada. Una vez evaluado su caso particular y los factores que inciden en el sobrepeso, hay que promover unos habitos sanos para que crezca esbelto y saludable. Esta guia te ensena como hacerlo.
Sobrepeso y obesidad infantil contiene un programa completo para que tu hijo gane en salud y energia, y alcance un peso adecuado para su edad, estatura y constitucion. Este manual practico te proporciona la mejor informacion para que tu hijo se alimente de manera mas saludable, consiga un peso idoneo, disfrute del ejercicio, aumente su rendimiento escolar ymejore su autoestima.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Encyclopedia of Ayurvedic Massage or In the Blood

The Encyclopedia of Ayurvedic Massage

Author: John Douillard

Five thousand years old, Ayurvedic massage has been shown to still the mind and body by lowering metabolic rates and inspiring feelings of peace and calm. Often administered as a part of a three-, five-, or seven-day program, these treatments are an integral part of deep cleansing, rejuvenation, and life-extension Ayurvedic programs called panchakarma or kya kalpa. This book by a noted practitioner features more than 15 of these treatments, each described in step-by-step detail and some synchronized with two therapists for up to two hours in length. It provides the reader with all the tools necessary to begin Ayurvedic treatments as a part of a spa menu or massage therapy program.

Interesting book: Governing the White House or Accounting Principles

In the Blood: Sickle Cell Anemia and the Politics of Race

Author: Melbourne Tapper

Although it strikes individuals from a variety of backgrounds, sickle cell anemia has been known throughout the twentieth century as a "black" disease. In the Blood looks at why this is, telling the story of the racialization of sickle cell anemia in the decades after its identification in 1910 until today. Tapper examines anthropological, genetic, medical, and political texts to illustrate how significant a role medical and anthropological constructs have played in shaping the way Africans and African Americans have been perceived and acted upon. Using some long-ignored materials, he outlines the predominant discourses on sickle cell anemia and race in the twentieth century. In the Blood is both a fine example of writing against racism and a bold statement about the social construction of race and disease.

Journal of the American Medical Association

In the Blood is an interesting work, which succeeds in showing that research and policies on sickling have indeed been influenced by ideology and politics.

Critical Histories Journal

Although it strikes individuals from a variety of backgrounds, sickle cell anemia has been known throughout this century as a 'black' disease. In the Blood looks at why this is, telling the story of the racialization of sickle cell anemia in the decades after its identification in 1910 until today.